Contact Us
021-88530459 / 021-88745255
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Address of Central office:
Tehran, Shahid Beheshti St., Sabonchi St. (former Mahnaz), Fourth Alley, No.19
Factory Address:
Karaj, Mahdasht, Imam Khomeini Boulevard, at the end of Yas Street
Instagram Address:
From factory to home with Mahris carpets
We are proud that Mahris carpet has been able to attract the opinion of many buyers in the field of production and supply of machine-made carpets.
If you have any suggestions, criticisms, messages and questions, contact our colleagues through the ways available on this page.
Mahris carpet does not hesitate to make any effort to improve the quality of its customers’ purchases and always tries to create the most value for its users in all stages before and after the purchase.